Here are the answers to the most common questions

Information about search results

In NEA eRegister, you can search by company name, organisation number or electronic address. In the search result, you’ll get information about which electronic address the company has, which messages they can handle and which operator they are connected to. Read more about how the NEA eRegister is structured, how it works and how the eRegister is a complement to Peppol.

  • In NEA eRegister you will find information about which companies/organisations in Sweden who can receive or send various electronic messages, e.g. e-invoices or e-orders and what electronic address they have.

    The public part of the NEA eRegister is a free service to look up trade partners one by one.

    Knowing which customers and suppliers can handle digital documents is valuable information for all companies that want to digitize their flows. Then you know what requirements you can set and it provides guidance on how easy or difficult it is to implement a digitisation in this organisation.

    The service providers (operators) that offer intermediary services to companies and the public sector build their services based on the content of NEA eRegister.

    Read more about how you as an operator can join the NEA eRegister here.

    NEA eRegister is a register for finding trading partners. It is not a tool or service for sending e-invoices or other electronic documents.

    The register is created to show trading partners' abilities and electronic addresses, while information about formats such as who want to receive Peppol BIS Billing 3, Svefaktura, EDIFACT is redundant information since the operators keep track of this information. Read more about the 4 corner model below.

  • The information in NEA eRegister is based on customer information from the participating operators. If your information is incorrect or missing or if you want to add information such as additional message types. Please contact your operator or your business system.

    Here you can see which operators are included in NEA eRegister.

    Read more about GDPR here.

  • Peppol is an international network for electronic communication of business documents that facilitates senders and receivers to exchange electronic documents and reach each other effectively, mainly within the borders of EU's.

    In Sweden, Peppol is mainly used for communication with the public sector but the private sector is gradually increasing its use.

    NEA eRegister is a complement to Peppol which has a similar search service for trading parties, with the difference that in the Peppol Directory you will only find recipients.

    Feel free to contact your business system supplier or operator if you want to know more about Peppol or read more here.

  • "4 corner model" is a model that identifies the 4 "corners" in a transaction of electronic business documents. Corner 1 is the sending organisation, and its operator is called corner 2. Corner 3 is the receiving operator and corner 4 is the receiving organization. Corners 1 and 2 have a business relationship and so do corners 3 and 4. The communication between corners 2 and 3 is regulated in interconnection agreements between the various operators so that everyone can communicate with everyone in a smooth way without extra costs, just the same way as the mobile phone market works.

    Peppol is also based on a "4 corner model" where the operators are called Access points and clear rules for how the communication takes place enable a smooth and secure transmission of business documents.

  • Name: Name of company or organisation

    Electronic address: The electronic address

    Identification type: The type of electronic address provided.

    Document type: What kind of electronic message is associated with this electronic address, for example e-invoice or e-order.

    Permission to send: If Yes is indicated in this column, the recipient does not need to be contacted before sending electronic documents - Just start sending. If No is indicated in this column, you need to contact the recipient and make an agreement to send electronic documents.

    Operator: Which operator is transmitting this electronic message.

  • In Sweden, a sole proprietorship is identified by a personal identity number. In order not to spread personal identity numbers in the NEA eRegister, the last 4 digits are crossed out. In some cases only 3 digits are crossed out when the last digit is a checksum.

    In case you as a user find a trading partner in the register whose electronic address contains the social security number, you can figure out which numbers are crossed out by looking up your trading partner in your own business system.


This is what a typical search result might look like: